Order processing is a key element of order fulfillment. Order processing operations or facilities are commonly called distribution centers. It is the term generally used to describe the process or the work flow associated with the picking, packing and delivery of the packed item(s) to a shipping carrier. The specific “order fulfillment process” or the operational procedures of distribution centers are determined by many factors. Each distribution center has its own unique requirements or priorities. There is no “one size fits all” process that universally provides the most efficient operation.
In this regards, for any online ecommerce website to become popular, sales after service is really important and for that, order processing department should be have information of all the latest orders placed through APMC website.
We understand the essence of business. So For APMC Sales and Order fulfillment team, we have created a customized desktop application which always runs in the background to check for new orders arrival every 30 seconds. Upon arrival of new order, printer attached to desktop prints two copies of the order bills which include ordered items list, order sum, shipping details and handling cost and customer details. One copy is for order fulfillment team and another is for administrative purpose and record keeping.